Age-restricted videos are not eligible for monetization and are not shown in certain sections of YouTube. Age-restricted videos are also not eligible to be used as ads. Check if your content is age-restricted. If your content is age-restricted, you’ll see “Age restriction” in the Restrictions column of your Videos page.

But if you really want to watch that video on YouTube without creating a new Google Account and signing in than you will need to follow these simple steps. There are many tricks to bypass age restriction on YouTube. Just follow the one which you like and find it easy to follow. Now follow each steps carefully. The first is very simple and easy. Nov 14, 2019 · Youtube videos that contain explicit content that is Not Safe for age below 18 for any reason require signing in to verify user age. So if you want to Bypass Youtube Age restriction without Signing into Google account then there is a small trick that will Bypass verification process without Signing in. Reason to Bypass verification process can Some of the other features of this site include youtube age restriction bypass, enable PIP(Picture in Picture) mode in iOS, dark UI for better video playback, responsive site to fit to your screen size, related videos, etc. But in YouTube, only registered users can watch age-restricted videos. Dailymotion’s age restricted videos are pure gold, when compared with YouTube’s age restricted videos. One has to realize that Dailymotion does not always age restrict videos, merely based on a sexually explicit content. Watch restricted YouTube videos without having to log in. Slightly modified version of All May 23, 2014 · this video is about how to bypass youtube age restriction. Report. Browse more videos. Playing next. 2:46. Youtubes Stupid Age-Restriction Rules. GradeAUnderA. 1:22.

Apr 10, 2014 · Age Restriction Bypass for YouTube is a simple, transparent solution that automatically bypasses YouTube's age restriction regardless of whether or not you have an account. What's so awesome is that its transparency involves working in the background.

How to Set Age Restriction for Your YouTube Video: 8 Steps

How to Bypass Youtube Age Restrictions – 5 Ways

How to Bypass YouTube Age Restriction and Watch Age Apr 15, 2020